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Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5th: How do we help?

Dear All,

As you have heard, Cyclone in Myanmar has destroyed many homes and left many citizens without food and water. As the news article said, the government is welcoming assistance from international community. UN, UNCIEF and Redcross teams will be assessing the situation. I am not sure when and how they will be helping.

How about us? Is there anything we can do? We can raise money but how can we donate them effectively? Do you have any idea? Many people have been suffering already with rising food prices and now with this disaster, I just couldn't imagine how one is coping with the situation.
We have $2,549.35 balance in MEAA funds. If you agree, we can donate this amount at this time when it is most needed. Please do share your thoughts how we should donate this and how we can raise funds. If you know any one who is organizing or working on this, please share the information with us.

One idea from the article: It is very likely that people may turn to monasteries to have temporary shelter. Should we donate funds to cover basic food at the monasteries?

From news article: "… With his home destroyed by the storm, Tin Hla said he has had to place his family of five into one of the monasteries that have offered temporary shelter to those left homeless…."

Thank you.

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