- 30 bags of rice to Than Lyin Town, Kyauk Tan City Payarkone village
There are about 9 villages population between 500-1000
According to some sources 75% of these villagers are homeless
- 30 Bags of rice (50 kgs each) to Show Pauk Kan
The local monestry is giving away water and we also donate fuel/gas to run the generator
- 30 Bags of rice to Insein- Shwe Pyi Thar
Monestry helps us distribute the rice bags to each individual.
At the moment Sayardaw is sheltering about 500 survivors. Everyday he is feeding them rice with beans.
- 10 Bags of rice to Yarzagyo Monestry in Dagon Seikan area.
There are about 200 people under the care of Sayardaw. We also serve Milk with rice to children.
- Bokalay monestary is also sheltering about 700 survivors and they are able to buy rice from near by town of Pathein. Since the transport to that areas is quite a chanllenge we donate $600 and they will manage to buy from their own source.
Donation is given to DAM who goes there with his own team.
- I am still gathering the supplies, I will give you the detail list of next shipment very soon.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
May 13th 2008: Our distribution today in Myanmar
Action in Myanmar,